
PRP Hair Restoration

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We perform hair restoration using Platelet Rich Plasma. We use a system called the Eclipse to extract a concentrated dose of your own platelets. Platelets are proven to prompt healing and regenerating in tissue.

With hair loss, platelets can stimulate inactive hair follicles into an active growth phase. With aging, hair follicles slow production and become dormant. We stimulate these follicles to produce thicker, fuller hair.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

Am I a good candidate for PRP Hair Rejuvenation?

PRP Therapy is best suited for people in the early stages of hair loss. While it effectively stimulates declining hair follicles, it cannot reactivate completely inactive hair follicles.

What is recovery like after a PRP Hair Rejuvenation treatment?

Your scalp may be red and tender after treatment. However, you can return to regular daily activity immediately after. You may shower and wash your hair as early as the next morning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Patients typically have three treatments to account for declining follicles in each cycle. Treatments are spaced a few months apart. You may need treatment at least once a year to maintain your results.

Ready to Try PRP Hair Restoration?

Let us guide you on your journey to a more beautiful, confident you! Here at Etanda Skin Solutions in Edmonton, AB, we’re passionate about helping you achieve your skincare goals and unlock your skin’s natural beauty.